Gillian St. Kevern

creating LGBTQ+ gothic romance, vintage mystery and paranormal n

  • 14 members
  • 22 posts
  • $34.2/creation

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Starving Artists
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You want to support, but you've only got loose change. That's cool! While you wait for your stingy aristocratic Uncle to raise your allowance or, alternatively, for your lucky break in the art world, you can enjoy patreon updates and any short stories I write. 
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Seals are the best of friends. They are loyal, they like fish, they are often overlooked in favour of those show-offs, dolphins, but they are always there when you need them (providing it's not nap time).

With a pledge of $5.00 every time I self-publish a book, seals will receive a copy of that book in .epub or .mobi format (pdf available on request), and acknowledgement within that book. 
Ugly Sweater Haver
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Gillian St. Kevern

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